Why Is Soil Stabilization in Texas Important?

Soil stabilizer ​chemical mixed with soil.

When you’re designing and constructing a new structure in Texas, the soil under your foundation is crucial. The soil below your structure helps to decide how long your structure can stand. As the soil comes in direct contact with your new structure, it acts as a foundation below your building. The stress of your new building will be distributed through the soil. If the soil is weak or unstable, then your structure will always be weak and unstable. A thorough inspection of soil is a must before laying the foundation of your building.

It will take just one severe storm or one torrential downpour for the building’s foundation to weaken and shift as the soil begins to swell. The nature of clay soil in the area is to absorb water, allowing the soil’s compounds to shift and swell drastically. 

The above-mentioned incidents can be avoided by stabilizing the soil properly before starting a construction project.

Importance of Soil Stabilization

As we said, a structure requires a strong, stable foundation. Without that, proper construction and durability cannot be ensured. The foundation must rest on strong soil. If the soil base is weak, the interior walls of the structure you’re building will ultimately buckle or warp. There may also be noticeable cracks in the foundation, which allow water, mold and pests to seep in. 

To avoid such issues, weak soil must be stabilized properly.

Benefits of Soil Stabilization

Alongside a stronger property, soil stabilization offers a few other key benefits:

  • Cost-Effective — For many construction projects, investing in soil stabilization at an early stage helps to reduce any risk of long-term delays, setbacks or increased project costs.
  • Saves Time — Reducing setbacks is about more than just saving money. By eliminating setbacks or delays, your construction project can be off the ground sooner. This will bring in new business and serve the community in an effective way.
  • Environment-Friendly — In today’s age, most of us are concerned about the environment. As such, environment-friendly products and techniques are mandatory in the soil stabilization industry. These norms cannot be altered for personal benefits.
  • Reduce Waste — Many soil stabilization processes utilize all-natural methods and the soil itself to stabilize the area. This eliminates the need for soil or materials to be hauled in from off-site.
  • Easy Application — The soil stabilization process is simple to apply. Here at Earthlok, we have the tools and techniques to stabilize soil under existing foundations or for new construction.

For top-rated soil stabilization efforts, please call Earthlok at 972-923-9698